How to make hundreds of bot id's w/out ban!...
.this is a simple tricks of how to make a hundreds bot id's!...
.i try it and it works on need to download a hotspot shield to do this tricks!
* use a swat team bot maker or any latest id bot maker...
* open your bot maker proggy...
* answer and fill up all questions needed...( for me i do it all random, the accnt info, the user name, pass word etc. )
* then start and type the captcha...( use 1st your normal/given ip adress )
* after you make 20 or more bot id's,yahoo will ban you....
* this is the time you need to open your "hotspot shield"...connect it!
dont close the program, just continue typing captcha, no matter if there is an error...its normal because your ip will change by this "hot spot shield"...
* then it will go normal again and you'll see you can make now many bot id's....
*here is one of my working screen shot,